2009 Ch. Doisy-Daëne, Barsac (code: 76541B)
2009 Ch. Doisy-Da?ne, Barsac
(code: 76541B)
GB Price: £312.00
In Bond per Case (12 x 75 cl)
£ 26.00 per Bottle (75 cl)
GB Price: £324.00
In Bond per Case (24 x 37.5 cl)
£ 13.50 per Half Bottle (37.5 cl)
ch. Doisy-Da?ne is a rich, concentrated wine in 2009 with notes of ripe mango and papaya juxtaposed with intense sweetness and fine, balancing acidity. An opulent style of Doisy-Da?ne, this has wonderful tropical complexity and is bound to reward any sweet tooth.
成熟甜美,完美平衡的迪斯威特林 2009,含浓厚橘子酱及忍冬味道,部份来自庄园最老葡萄园生长的 高浓度贵腐葡萄。分五天采摘,制成极度优雅,馀韵甜蜜悠长的清纯佳酿。 最宜饮用日期 2015-2040
醒酒时间:即开即饮 食物搭配:搭配鹅肝、蓝纹奶酪。
> 红酒期酒
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