地也不是那个地 庄也不是那个庄

2010/7/15 21:32:10 来自: 甜美主人
Scharzhof Riesling 2007 E.Muller的评论
2 star rating 2 star rating

李家庄 高老庄

2010/7/15 21:57:52 真真

请问甜美有依据吗? 我这里有出自E. MULLER官网的资料: “Scharzhof” is our entry level wine. Qualitätswein by German legal standard, it is made with the grapes from our vineyards in Saarburg and Wawern and from the Wiltinger Braunfels and Wiltinger Kupp vineyards. Depending on the quality and the size of the vintage and the ripeness of the grapes, we may also use grapes from Wiltinger braune Kupp and even from the Scharzhofberg. The “Scharzhof” is an off-dry wine that typically balances the sweetness with the minerality from the slate soils and the acidity of the Saar. It is meant to be drunk young but can be aged for 5 to 8 years.

2010/7/15 22:02:57 真真

地也不是那个地 庄也不是那个庄? 那你说是哪块地 ,哪个庄?

2010/7/15 22:04:04 william

说句老实话,一直蛮忍的。 有点受不了,误导别人是你的乐趣吗?如果没有去先努力学习,就大发厥词!!! 我觉得,这个酒确实一般,可是你的理论是你再次的做梦吗?梦里的结论,不是这块地不是这个庄!!!

2010/7/15 22:26:27 Julien


2010/7/15 22:34:30 杯酒人生


2010/7/15 22:44:11 william

我是很想心平气和,也尽量了。 可是你看看这种酒评 http://www.gourmet114.com/review/571/

2010/7/15 22:48:48 馋嘴萨缪



>Scharzhof Riesling 2007 E.Muller

Scharzhof Riesling 2007 E.Muller
英文名称: Scharzhof Riesling 2007 E.Muller
类型: 白葡萄酒

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