Poet's Leap 雷司令,集德,美,法国之长于一身。

发表于:2012/11/8 9:35:52  |  最后修改于:2012/11/8 9:49:57



说起来也真奇怪,Armin Diel 在德国出自葡萄酒名门望族,其家族葡萄酒,




Armin Diel 于是开始尝试不一样的途经. 在德国,依然宗规宗矩,不失传统。

德国之外,细腻的考查之后,选择了美国华盛顿州的 Long Shadows Poet's Leap Winery





说他“功夫不负有心人”也好,说他“咸鱼翻身”也罢,Poet's Leap 雷司令一路干到帕克 94--95 分。

Poet's Leap Riesling "botrytis" 2008 还一路干到美国白宫的国宴上。



更有甚者,好莱坞的“名媛”们喜欢上了 Poet's Leap Winery,开始改变“只知德国有啤酒”的偏见。

Poet's Leap Winery 的雷司令, 今天已成为美洲最畅销的雷司令。而酒庄的高端 “冰酒”,

“贵腐雷司令”(50--100$/375ml) 则经常出现在好莱坞,纽约的“名媛”酒宴。



Poet's Leap Riesling "botrytis", Long Shadows and Diel Estate 2008

The Poet’s Leap Riesling is made by Armin Diel, one of Germany’s most highly regarded Riesling producers. 

His family has owned the celebrated estate of Schlossgut Diel in Burg Layen in the Nahe river valley since 1802.

Schlossgut Diel is international renowned for its white wines, predominately Rieslings, across a wide range of styles.

Armin Diel is also one of Germany’s leading wine writers.


Developing noble rot (botrytis) in Washington is not easy and Gilles Nicault and Armin Diel have only been able

 to make this wine in one previous vintage (2005). It’s fermented with Sauternes yeasts, and the fermentation

 is long and cool to maintain freshness and vibrancy. The acids in the 2008 white are perfect to balance all that

delicious residual sugar.

