有谁可以介绍一下 Joseph Phelps Insignia ?

发表于:2011/11/24 16:42:06  |  最后修改于:2011/11/24 16:42:06



hudong 酿酒师

回复于:2011/11/24 17:01:54

来自:hudong 1楼



公主猫 第三级酒庄庄主

回复于:2011/11/24 19:23:38

来自:公主猫 2楼

Joseph Phelps took the Napa Valley by storm back in the 1970s with his Insignia blend.  This lush, highly concentrated Bordeaux varietal blend remains the flagship for the estate. And it's a rarity-- not in quantity, but, rather, in nature: this is a blue-chip Napa Valley collectible that's also made in good numbers from a blend of vineyard sources. Beyond Insignia, Phelps is a Napa Valley benchmark for densely fruity, ripe Cabernets that are capable of gaining complexity with bottle aging. Backus, from a single steep vineyard in Oakville, is a muscular Cabernet with characteristic dark berry, bitter chocolate and mint flavors. ——————wineaccess上的介绍

Jennifer 酿酒师

回复于:2011/12/22 10:41:03

来自:Jennifer 3楼

喝过Joseph Phelps Cab, 很不错,insignia 国内要卖2500-2900, 加州也就$160,改天要买一瓶

hudong 酿酒师

回复于:2011/12/22 11:44:09

来自:hudong 4楼

这个价位有很多选择:Shafer Hillside Select,Stag's Leap Vineyard Cask 23,Diamond Creek 的几个单一园,Opus One 等等其它名庄的最顶级酒款,风格都不一样,看个人喜好了。

