The Saint-Emilion Classification
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The Saint-Emilion 2006 classification
The revised classification, the subject of prolonged legal dispute, comprises 13 Premiers grands crus classés and 53 Grands crus classés.
Premiers grands crus classés A |
Premiers grands crus classés B |
Grands crus classés |
Former crus classés |
From Wikipedia
Former crus classés什么意思?未来的列级庄?买过一瓶05年的Bellefont-Belcier分数很高,跟好的列级庄价格差不多。
有些不对吧,06年Chateau Pavie-Macquin已经是Premiers grands crus classés B了
Bellefont-Belcier以前肯定不是,是06年升进GCC的。Grand Corbin-Despagne是96被踢掉的,06年又升回来了。Monbousquet名气非常大,超过许多GCCB了。真真说的肯定是对的。
法国人真会闹, 哈哈哈...俺查了, 简单说下, 好象是2006列级有问题, 被踢出去的酒庄不服气, 最后搞了被升上去的又下来了, 搞了两年多, 这些2006被升了又下来的Former crus classés, 终于在2009年3月13号又正名, 可以追到2006年分级的那天...
Controversy surrounding the 2006 classification
The fifth classification of St.-émilion wine, announced in September 2006 and comprising 15 Premiers grands crus classés and 46 Grands crus classés,[2] was challenged by four dissatisfied producers that had been demoted - La Tour du Pin Figeac, Cadet Bon, Guadet and Chateau de la Marzelle - and has resulted in several confusing legal turns during 2007 and 2008 that currently mean that the 2006 classification is invalid and the 1996 classification is applied instead. The legal dispute has centered on the fact that several members of the panel involved in assessing the wines had vested interests (e.g. as négociants with business dealings with some of the chateaux), and thus could be suspected of not being impartial.
Initially, an administrative tribunal in Bordeaux declared the classification temporarily suspended in March 2007,[3] after which a Bordeaux court suspended the classification indefinitely by denying a motion to lift the initial suspension.[4] After that the Conseil d'état, the French supreme administrative court, on November 12, 2007 overturned the suspension of the 2006 classification, thereby reinstating it.[5] However, this ruling was not final, and only decided that the case of the four demoted chateaux did not merit a suspension of the entire classification. The matter was returned to a Bordeaux court to assess if the complaining chateux had been fairly treated. On July 1, 2008 this court ruled that the wine tasting mechanism used in the 2006 classification was not impartial, thus again making the entire classification invalid.[6]
Immediately after the ruling, it was estimated that a further appeals process aiming at reinstating the classification could take about two years, and would have an uncertain result. This led the French regulatory body for wine, INAO, to request the French Government to use emergency powers to reinstate St.-émilion classification, which it did on July 11, 2008.[7] This decision extended the validity of the 1996 classification to the vintages 2006 to 2009. Thus, the complaining demoted chateaux are able to keep their classification, but those who were newly promoted are not. Presumably, this measure will allow INAO to arrange for a less contested classification to be finalised by around 2010.
The reaction among the estates who had their promotions retracted, such as Grand Corbin-Despagne, Monbousquet, Pavie-Macquin and Troplong Mondot, was one of despair, who beyond facing financial consequences stated the decision was unjust, and damaging to the image and community of St.-émilion.[8][9] Xavier Pariente of Troplong-Mondot said, "That's almost 20 years of hard work and investment by all the personnel here wiped out at the stroke of a pen. It frightens me and it revolts me”.[10]
In December 2008, the French senate had allowed the 8 demoted estates to regain their previous status, with Pavie-Macquin and Troplong Mondot returning to Premiers grands crus classés, while Bellefond-Belcier, Destieux, Fleur-Cardinale, Grand Corbin, Grand Corbin-Despagne, and Monbousquet again to become classified as Grands crus classés, as a result of several months of lobbying.[11] However, in January 2009 this proposal was thrown out by the French government constitutional council.[12]
In March 2009, it was stated that the French Court of Appeal had made a final ruling, that the 2006 Saint-émilion classification will not stand,[13] although the ultimate outcome was the opposite. A law passed on May 13, 2009 contained a footnote clarifying that the six chateaux promoted to Grand Cru Classe in 2006 would be able to keep their status with immediate effect, and date it back to the date of the classification, therefore the status of the classified estates of 1996, plus the eight chateaux promoted in 2006, is mandated by law until 2011, two years beyond what was previously scheduled.[14][15]
From Wikipedia
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