The harvest here was from October 6th to the 18th, and the wine is 78% Cabernet Sauvignon, 12% Cabernet Franc and 12% Merlot. The ultimate yield for the estate was 37.9 hl/ha. Wow - what a captivating nose! Intense black cherry fruit, minerally and pure, crunchy but rich, layered with cream and vanilla. Pure, but as the nose suggests stunningly rich and intense, and broad. Elegant tannins, firm yet silkily textured, really stylish yet with real depth and concentration. A great tannic core which is only really evident at the finish. Great length. A fabulous effort.
雄狮庄位于波尔多名村圣祖利安村(St. Julian)。Leoville相当于英文的Leo,是雄狮之意,因此中文命名为雄狮庄。此庄园于1638年由Moytie家族创建,最初命名为Mont-Moytie(梦迪山庄),传至第二代该园跟随女儿嫁入Leoville家族,而后来改名为Leoville Las Cases。
在法国大革命期间,此园也难幸免于难。由于被充公拍卖,雄狮庄被瓜分成三块园地。其中的精华部分仍然由Leoville家族拥有。另一块园地由英国移民Hugh Barton于1820年购得,后改名为Leoville Barton(巴顿庄)。还有一块园地由Baronesse de Poyferre购得,后改名为Leoville Poyferre(柏芙庄)。因此在圣祖利安村出现了三家带有Leoville名字的二级名庄。虽然在1855年波尔多酒的分级中,三家都同获二级名庄顶戴。但在葡萄酒行家的心中,雄狮庄绝对是第一位的,其次是巴顿庄,再次是柏芙庄。