霍斯特绍尔酒庄位于巴伐利亚邦伍兹堡东边约一小时车程的小镇(Escherndorf)。该酒庄现任庄主 Horst Sauer, Escherndorf在葡萄园中长大,从小受到其父亲的葡萄酒文化的熏陶和培训,在过去的10年中,该酒庄的白葡萄酒一直在德国地区处于领先地位。在他的酒庄中,土质以陶土、粘土、石灰岩土为主,葡萄园都处在陡峭的山坡上,需完全手工采摘;仅种植雷司令和席瓦娜2个葡萄品种。
Horst Sauer的酿酒哲学是:不断的奋斗,和创造性的工作。霍斯特绍尔酒庄的葡萄酒,国际上得奖无数。Horst Sauer的宗旨是:Big things are achieved by braveness, bigger ones with love and the biggest ones with patience.
Great International Wineprize 2009 at Mundus Vini
Champion Sweet 2009 at the International Wine Challenge, London
Award AWC Wine Trophy 2009 at AWC Vienna
Best Of Riesling 2008 at Bingen
Gold and Silver Medal 2008 at the International Wine Challenge
Gold Medal / Best in Class 2008 at the International Wine & Spirit Competition
International Wine Prize 2008, Best Noble Sweet Wine of the Year 2008 and Great Gold 2008,at Mundus Vini
Great International Wineprize 2007, Best Noble Sweet Wine of the Year 2007 and Great Gold 2007 at Mundus Vini
German Wine Producer of the Year 2007 at Wine & Spirit Competition, London
White Winemaker of the Year 2004 at the International Wine Challenge, London
German Wine Producer of the Year 2004 at Wine & Spirit Competition, London
Bavarian State Honorary Prize 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2008
Honorary Prize “Pro Riesling” for the best Riesling Collection