Tasting Notes: The wine has a beautiful red color with subtle blue reflections. Its mild intensity gives fresh yet smooth vegetal flavors. It complements red meats in sauces, grilled fishes such as tuna or swordfish. 口味介绍: 酒色呈诱人的红色,隐约带些蓝色调,口味清新,有淡淡的素菜香味. Food pairing: The sunny character of the growing region makes this a perfect accompaniment for spiced meals. 食物搭配: 推荐搭配淋上汁的红肉, 烤鱼如金枪鱼或箭鱼等. 出产区阳光普照的特质酿造出适合搭配浓烈香料菜肴的餐酒.