It has since become the definitive Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon - and is arguably richer and more concentrated than any other wine in the region. It is made only in years when grapes of extraordinarily high quality are available. Indeed, just one per cent of the top Cabernet grapes are used to make it. 该酒是Coonawarra 经典的Cabernet Sauvignon,毫无疑问口感更加丰满,集中。该庄园只采摘年份很好的葡萄。只有1%的赤霞珠用来酿造。
酿酒师: Sue Hodder
Sue Hodder 在澳大利亚沙漠地带的中心Alice Springs出生并长大,酿酒对她来说似乎是最不可能的事情,但是Sue 却找到了从红色沙漠通往库拉瓦拉红色土壤之路,成为了一名成功的葡萄栽培者和酿酒师。如今她带领着具有历史意义的酝思酒庄团队。