明亮的紫红颜色,浓郁而奔放的酒香,持续散发出甜熟浆果,像黑樱桃、蓝莓、黑醋栗的香气,隐约透出橡木桶陈年带来的香气特征,如肉味和麝香香料。 酒体柔滑细致,复杂的果香和橡木香完美结合,单宁紧致柔顺,余韵十足,是优雅葡萄酒款的典范之作,最佳适饮期可至2022年。 Intense and vivacious, with a sweet, heady bouquet whose pristine scents of blackberries, blueberries, cassis and dark cherries are carefully oaked, backed with a hint of charcuterie and lifted by a viognier-like perfume of musky spices. It''s supple, fine-grained and very elegant, with a generous depth of fruit discreetly integrated with fresh oak and a pliant spine of powdery tannins. Charmingly complex, with the ability to cellar. Drinking: 2018-2022- Jeremy Oliver; The Australian Wine Annual 2013
获奖及评分: James Halliday澳洲葡萄酒指南 97分 Jeremy Oliver澳洲葡萄酒年鉴 96分