澳洲稀有葡萄品种,此款酒宛如一件艺术精品,温柔含蓄,具有优雅大方的风格。带有微辣的桂皮香料气息,金银花、丁香、白花渐次展开,非常复杂。口感具有鲜美、持久的蜜瓜柑橘风味,柔和的紧致感支撑酒的骨架,结尾时酸度清新。 Artfully gentle and reserved, this beautifully measured, elegant and savoury Rhone blend has a spicy fragrance of cinnamon, honeysuckle, cloves and white flowers with mealy undertones. It’s long and delicate, with a deep, but reserved core of fresh melon/citrus flavour underpinned by soft phenolics, finishing with fresh acids and a lingering dustiness. Rated 93 to 2022+, Jeremy Oliver The Australian Wine Annual 2012.
获奖及评分: James Halliday澳洲葡萄酒指南94分 Jeremy Oliver澳洲葡萄酒年鉴93分 Robert Parker 评分91+