德索萨香槟Champagnes De Sousa介绍
德索萨香槟Champagnes De Sousa介绍
坐落于布朗酒区(C?te des Blancs)的中心盛产霞多丽的阿维日(Avize),埃里克·德索萨(Eric de Sousa)在阿维日(Avize)、克拉芒(Cramant)、奥热尔(Oger)、梅尼-欧杰(Le MesnilsurOger)和阿伊(A?)的特级葡萄园区仅拥有8公顷葡萄园。 四分之三的葡萄藤已生长40多年,前两批所酿的芳醇美酒已充分证明早期的有机种植实验的优势,它完全不同于布朗酒区(C?te des Blancs)最古老的葡萄园。这些葡萄酒的工艺与浓度均极为出色,酒质丝滑口感诱人-在某种程度上使人联想到顶级白勃艮第! 自1989年转为有机栽培以来,埃里克从父亲手中接管葡萄园短短三年后,这些老葡萄园的产出极低。在地窖内,采用手工转瓶,在酒泥沉淀时还需额外摇晃酒瓶,使其浓度更高。这种与众不同尾部(Caudalies)包括约十个不同年份。
Bettane et Dessauve葡萄酒评论:2008年法国优质葡萄酒年鉴埃里克·德索萨(Erick De Sousa)为当今布朗酒区(C?te des Blancs)最有名的葡萄栽培者,也是最积极的一位。.葡萄酒评论:2008年法国优质葡萄酒年鉴埃里克·德索萨(Erick De Sousa)是他那代人中最具企业家精神的葡萄种植者。法国费加罗报,2009年9月埃里克·德索萨(Erick De Sousa)为香槟区(Champagne)最具代表性的酿酒者。
Based in Avize, in the heart of the C?te des Blancs, where Chardonnay rules, Erick De Sousa has just 8 hectares of vineyards in the Grand Cru areas of Avize, Cramant, Oger, Le MesnilsurOger and A?. Three quarters of the vines are over 40 years of age and early experimentation with organic processes have provided ample evidence of its benefits in the top two cuvees, which are exclusively from his oldest vineyards in the C?te des Blancs. The finesse and intensity of these wines is amazing, combining oodles of flavour with silk texture – in some ways reminiscent of top white Burgundy! Conversion to organic methods began in 1989, just three years after Erick took over from his father, and yields from these old vineyards are incredibly low. In the cellars, remuage is done by hand, along with an extra shaking of the bottle on its lees deposit, which provides even greater concentration. The extraordinary Caudalies contains around ten different vintages.
Bettane et Dessauve: Le Grand Guide des Vins de France 2008 : “Erick De Sousa is one of the most brilliant viticulturists in the C?te des Blancs today and furthermore, one of the most pro-active”. La Revue du Vin de France: Les MeilleursVins de France 2008 : “Erick De Sousa is one of the most entrepreneurial winegrowers of his generation. “.Le Figaro, September 2009: “Erick de Sousa is one of the most iconic winemakers from Champagne.”
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