
发表于:2013/3/13 4:06:49  |  最后修改于:2013/3/13 4:06:49


Chateauneuf-du-Pape is the largest and most important wine appellation in the southern Rhone. There are over 300 hectares of vineyards and over 80 growers and more wine is produced in Chateauneuf than the whole of the northern Rh?ne put together. The vineyards are bounded to the west by the Rh?ne and to the east by the A7 autoroute.



Chateauneuf-du-Pape was the first ever Appellation Controlee established in France in 1932. Small drift boulders (galets roules), rounder rocks from the ancient river bed are a key aspect of what makes Chateauneuf-du-Pape wines so distinctive with the rocks reflecting heat back into the vines at night thus increasing ripeness and reducing acidity.

教皇新堡产区AOC成立于1932(BBR)/1929(Wine-Searcher) /1936(食堂),那边土壤多石块,晚上能给葡萄树供热,使葡萄更加成熟

The gloriously rich red wines, redolent of the heat and herbs of the south are enhanced by the complexity which comes from blending several grape varieties. Fourteen are permitted for reds; Grenache, Mouvedre, Syrah, Cinsault, Vaccarese, Counoise, Teret Noir, Muscadin  and Picpoul Noir, Clairette, Grenache Blanc, Rousanne, Picpoul Gris and Picardin. With red Chateauneuf-du-Pape Grenache typically dominates with Syrah and Mouvedre in support.




White Chateauneuf-du-Pape is becoming increasingly sought-after even though it represents less than 10% of the total production.. Five grapes are permitted; Grenache Blanc, Clairette, Rousanne, Bourboulenc and Picardin.


Recommended Producers: Beaucastel, Clos de Papes, Vieux Telegraphe, Rayas, Charbonnière, Sabon, Nerthe, Domaine Perrin(只有部分,欢迎补充~~)

Best Vintages: 2007, 2006, 2005, 2001, 1998,  1995, 1994, 1990, 1988, 1985





疯一样的男子 葡萄农民

回复于:2013/3/13 9:10:11

来自:疯一样的男子 1楼

上面有个矛盾的地方,前面介绍教皇新堡14种葡萄的时候没有Bourboulenc ,但是下面写教皇新堡白混酿的时候却有Bourboulenc 。前段时间微博上也有技术贴讲教皇新堡的品种,一共13个品种,如果颜色再区分一下有22个品种!

Sandy 第三级酒庄庄主

回复于:2013/3/13 9:15:21

来自:Sandy 2楼


EcKaLo 首席酿酒师

回复于:2013/3/13 13:18:19

来自:EcKaLo 3楼

CDP的Best Vintages是不是应该有00,03和10?

疯一样的男子 葡萄农民

回复于:2013/3/13 18:05:55

来自:疯一样的男子 4楼
