Pinot Blanc, Snooth 的基础贴
It's the wild child of Pinot Noir. Yes, it’s true: Pinot Blanc, or Pinot Bianco in Italy, is actually a pigment-free mutation of Pinot Noir, and as such is really a rather diverse group of mutants at that. What can be said about Pinot Blanc is that it produces a white wine (duh). Well, yes that would seem to be obvious, except when one thinks of the other favorite, Pinot Gris, that is well endowed with enough pigment to put many a rosé to shame.
Pinot Blanc most likely originated in Champagne or Burgundy, which seems perfectly obvious when one considers where Pinot Noir is found. Interestingly, while Pinot Blanc is still allowed in Champagne, and planted in small pockets throughout Burgundy, the grape needed a new place to call home. Such is the crazy world of genetic mutations. Pinot Blanc travelled near and wide, establishing itself in places near (such as Germany, where it is known as Weissburgunder or "the white from Burgundy") and far (such as the U.S. West Coast, where it is known as Pinot Blanc!).
What can
be said about Pinot Blanc is that it produces a white wine...
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