9.30 St.Cosme酒会用酒介绍2
Saint Cosme
Little James White N.V
Grapes : 60% viognier – 40% sauvignon
Soil : Clay and Limestone soil
Harvested at perfect ripeness, the Sauvignon had a strenght of 12%, perfect to bring the requested freshness. Our viognier is a selection of vine cutings taken from Condrieu in 1982, grafted then planted in the Minervois region (one of Languedoc top spots). This great vegetal heritage gives much more depth and complexity than the common clones. Supported by the explosive freshness of the Sauvignon, the wine has great complexity while giving a lot of pleasure. The grapes are pressed with a pneumatic press, the juice is cold- racked to get ?nesse and accuracy. The juice is then fermented at a controlled temperature of 15°C. Aged on ?ne lies in concrete tanks for the viognier. Aged on ?ne lies in Steel tanks for the Sauvignon.
1000*8 *2 = 16000
搞活动 2000 ,
> W胖的放纵
有机会尝尝这款巧克力 (费费)
同意真真...万一W胖是因为家里停电, 酒摆坏了呢...先开个品酒会, 试了好就买.....哈哈哈...无扰... (胡子马丁)
W胖 汇报下这2天的战果 你继续闭关 (真真)
PUYRICARD这个牌子的巧克力好不好?? (emma)
据说有人不光隐身, 还要戒酒... (胡子马丁)
心情不好!谁能过来陪我喝酒? (百尝)
william啊、william,帮主喊你快来上酒啊! (百尝)
最后,那些看不起NZ酒的人,也没有要PK的意思 (william)
因为家属原因,30号的活动增加到两套,如果有兴趣的可以跟帖 (william)